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DAS Trader Pro
DAS Trader Pro General Questions
What is DAS Trader Pro
Why should I use DAS Trader Pro instead of the free trading platform offered by my broker?
Is DAS Trader Pro also a broker?
What are the system requirements of DAS Trader Pro?
What are the Internet connection requirements in order to run DAS Trader Pro?
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DAS Simulator 3-Month Subscription for BBT Members
What are the advantages of using the DAS simulator since I can use other simulated platforms for free?
How do I order from BBT a subscription for 3 months of access to the DAS simulator?
Do I need a broker to use DAS Trader Demo?
What do I need to do in order to activate my 3-month DAS simulator subscription?
What data is included in the DAS simulator 3-month subscription?
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DAS Trader 14-Day Free Trial Simulator
Is a free trial of DAS Trader available?
Can I extend my DAS Trader 14-day free trial?
I am using the 14-day DAS Trader free trial and some stocks are either delayed or not available.
Where can I find support during the 14-day DAS Trader free trial?
Going from Simulator Trading to Live Account
What do I need to do in order to go live with DAS Trader Pro?
I am ready to go live with DAS Trader Pro as my trading platform and Interactive Brokers as my broker. What should I do next?
Can I use the layout and Hotkeys I used in the simulator on DAS Trader Pro?
Does DAS Trader Pro work with any broker?
I selected my broker account in the Montage window so I can trade, but when I enter another ticker on that Montage, it then automatically switches back to the demo account. Is there any way to make it not do that?
DAS Trader Technical Questions
How do I download and install DAS Trader layout file?
How do I configure charts in DAS Trader Pro?
How do I use Hotkeys?
Where can I find different DAS Trader Pro Hotkeys that I can use?
How do I set up a default desktop?
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DAS Trader Pro Trading Questions
What are the most frequently used Hotkeys in DAS Trader Pro?
When long in SSR (Short Selling Restriction) stock, I press the sell button and the command is rejected. I am advised that there are sufficient shares to short. I´m not trying to short though as I want to sell my long position. What should
What does the PANIC Hotkey do?
What are the most frequently used Hotkeys in DAS Trader Pro?